About Us

Responsibilities & Services

The Shelby County Divorce Referee's Office was created in 1973 to replace the Divorce Proctor's Office, which was established in 1915. This office reviews and monitors all divorce complaints filed in Shelby County to assure compliance with local state and federal laws. The Divorce Referee:

  • Attends divorce trials
  • Conducts hearings to set temporary (pendente lite) child support, alimony, and attorney fees
  • Enters an appearance in every divorce case

 With the help of eight part-time referees, the divorce referee proctors approximately 3,200 divorces and conducts more than 2,000 temporary support hearings annually. Divorce referees are prohibited, however, from representing and/or giving legal advice to either party in a divorce action.

 View the Divorce Referee's Office staff directory.